Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Boys with Toys

I have been quite added to today. The story is as follows: I got up at about 7:45am (quite unusual for a night-owl like myself). Threw down a couple of pop-tarts - the other universal language - and a Nalgene full of V8 Splash and began a long drive towards Townsend. It has rained non-stop for the entire day (the remnants of a lady named Frances), "Good Scottish weather" to quote a certain movie. So I tried my best to stay awake through the hour-plus drive to Townsend. Now, all that to say, I was on my way out to Mike Clemmers shop - Wood'n'Strings. I went out to buy a hammer dulcimer.

Now that was a lot that could've been expressed in just one sentence. I guess that tells you how much like a kid at Christmas I am today (you know, the way I idiotically try to create suspense, and it doesn't work). That, plus, my fiancee shows up tonight with a nearly brand-new stereo with a 5-disc changer. And we didn't even have to pay for that one. She stole it..........klepto. No, just joshing with you.

But that's why I didn't buy the dulcimer the other day. Good friends Nathan and Jared were with me at Clemmer's. Nate had promised to take me, so Jared and I went to UT campus to make careful search for him. After we had traveled to the penultimate floor of Hodges library, I called Nathan and he reminded me that he was in the place where I said I'd meet him, not two hours ago. So we went to find him in Worlds Fair Park. Then he proceeded to egg me on towards making a purchase at Mike's shop while Kareth kept throwing sales pitches at me. So they made me an offer I can't refuse, and I put on the cement shoes willingly. And here I sit with a lovely hammer dulcimer, a new stereo, and a $380 dollar-shaped hole. I have no self-restraint. Don't tell that to anybody with cool toys to sell.


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