Life has moved. She has changed like a roll of weighted dice. My eyes shift and then return to find that I have passed a few fencerows since I last glanced out the window.
I apologize for the hiatus in blogging. Big Brother at CNC has put the damper on some things on my computer, or it's on the fritz. For whatever reason, I can't load the Blogger main site, so here I am borrowing the services of Jared's computer, and he's standing behind me thinking to himself, "Geez, can't he use his own stuff. Stop drinking my Mountain Dew already, good grief!"
I have done my time. In a few days, I will no longer be wearing a number, and I'll be released from the bondage of Carson Newman academia into the parole of bill-paying. I'm in the process of moving Kat into our apartment, into which I will move in a month. For now, this is a short State of the Union address to let you know how things are until I can bring in a more comprehensive journal entry. Off to moving again...
I apologize for the hiatus in blogging. Big Brother at CNC has put the damper on some things on my computer, or it's on the fritz. For whatever reason, I can't load the Blogger main site, so here I am borrowing the services of Jared's computer, and he's standing behind me thinking to himself, "Geez, can't he use his own stuff. Stop drinking my Mountain Dew already, good grief!"
I have done my time. In a few days, I will no longer be wearing a number, and I'll be released from the bondage of Carson Newman academia into the parole of bill-paying. I'm in the process of moving Kat into our apartment, into which I will move in a month. For now, this is a short State of the Union address to let you know how things are until I can bring in a more comprehensive journal entry. Off to moving again...
you do drink alot of my mountain dew.....
congrats, bro... good luck on post-college life... marriage... the whole bit...
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