5 Things About Jesus
So, Adam Feldman has tagged me into this thing. I might tag you, though I don't know if I've got five people to tag or not. Maybe two. But the rules (as cut and pasted from Feldman's site) are as follows:
1. Those tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their post so that others can read them.
Here goes.
1. Jesus was meek (a word often mis-defined), but not really mild. He held scathing and controversial words for many people, and he will go forth with a sword in hand to lead his people in the end.
2. Jesus was a carpenter by trade under Joseph. I love a guy who can appreciate the beauties of wood.
3. He wore a seamless garment. The symbolism in this is manifold. Read apocalyptic Scripture for cool details.
4. He's with me, wherever, whatever. That in itself is awesome!
5. Jesus wore sandals. I love to wear sandals. 'Nuf said.
Okay. In case they read this, I'm tagging:
Jared Lucas
Greg Adkins
I could only think of two folks to tag. Ah, well. Next time, Gadget...
1. Those tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their post so that others can read them.
Here goes.
1. Jesus was meek (a word often mis-defined), but not really mild. He held scathing and controversial words for many people, and he will go forth with a sword in hand to lead his people in the end.
2. Jesus was a carpenter by trade under Joseph. I love a guy who can appreciate the beauties of wood.
3. He wore a seamless garment. The symbolism in this is manifold. Read apocalyptic Scripture for cool details.
4. He's with me, wherever, whatever. That in itself is awesome!
5. Jesus wore sandals. I love to wear sandals. 'Nuf said.
Okay. In case they read this, I'm tagging:
Jared Lucas
Greg Adkins
I could only think of two folks to tag. Ah, well. Next time, Gadget...
here you go: http://thecrazyscotsman.blogspot.com/2007/06/5-things-i-dig-about-jesus.html
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