Monday, August 11, 2008

Blessed and Amazed

I have to show you guys this.

I used to think that these folks were great. Now I think that they're passing fantastic! The V Cafe has been a small and unassuming home for creative, aspiring Christian artists for a few years now. That they're even open to my music, and also that they provide a platform for a wide range of musical styles, speaks to their willingness to dialogue with people about faith and the exploration of all things spiritual. I try to always appreciate a champion of the arts, and these guys are no less.

They have released their first compilation CD of music from folks who have played at the V. They've been gracious enough to put a song of mine on the CD, and to call the whole collection Something About the Journey, which is a lyric from the song Pilgrims. Plus, they graced the cover of the whole thing with a picture of what looks like my favorite section of Rifle Range Rd. in the autumn (not that I had anything to do with that part).

You can buy this CD here or at their website.


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