Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friday at the Square Room

This just in: Because of new FTC guidelines, I must disclose that I received my copy of North! Or Be Eaten for free from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing, in exchange for writing a review. I probably should have mentioned this anyway, but it did not occur to me. All legalities aside though, I still could not help but thoroughly devour such a delicious tale. And now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Live at the Square Room
Friday, October 16th, 8pm

Andy & the Andys

If you're doing nothing this Friday night, you should leave your nothingness and go with all haste to the somethingness of this concert. If, perchance, you are doing something, then you should stop immediately upon the hour of 7 tomorrow evening and go to the concert. Not only are three of the best songwriters I know gathered under one roof as a band, but my friend Andy Vandergriff is opening for them. I would geek out and pee on myself while spouting the unintelligible gibberish of the socially inept. But I'm not opening for them, Andy is. And yes, we've all thought of every possible joke about Andy and Andy and the Andys, so we won't mention them. I'll see you at the show.


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