Snakes, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
It's an easy thing to remember from the well-guarded safety of my own room - wearing wool socks and jeans, watching Andy doze and listening to Linford play the piano. When I venture out into the death-defying world of making memory amongst humanity, I am much quicker to become a boy in my thoughts. I am quicker to drop the true man's knowledge of sorrow and happiness and Love that stands between and encompasses all. But then, aren't we all boys. Boys who chase and play and hit and yell and are made of snails and puppy dog tails. My father says he keeps waiting for the day he'll feel grown up, which I take in part to mean, "I keep hoping for the day when I feel like I know what I'm doing." It's good that part of humanity is still inadequacy. Walking down the street and tripping because of clumsiness, then turning to see what it was that you tripped over (when your own feet are following you). Not knowing you went too far until you can't see where you came from anymore. I am hesitant to say that I've learned something from all this, because my mask of great intellect is made of loud claims that once were worth something, before I spoke them to myself and then to others.
I need to eat, like Elijah. The journey is too much for me - I'm always a boy. The time for talking is gone with the sun...